Pokeweed Genome

Pokeweed Genome Annotations

Please search Bioproject PRJNA974046 on NCBI GenBank for our most recent genomic data for Phytolacca americana. 

The publicly accessible data includes:  

  1. whole genome shotgun sequencing (30 Gb of PacBio Hifi long reads); project accession JBEVOY000000000.1 
  2. genome assembly at contig level (1,058 contigs; N50 = 13,995,428 bp). BUSCO = 100% using the ‘eukaryota_odb10’ database and 97.4% using the ‘eudicots_odb10’ database. 
  3. RNA-Seq reads of transcriptome during a time course (0-6 hour) treatment of plants with jasmonic acid (deposited to SRA).  Sequencing was conducted by the Centre for Applied Genomics (Toronto, ON, Canada). Samples were sequenced on a NovaSeq S4 flowcell PE 2x150bp at a depth of ~67-83 million reads per sample. 

Our pokeweed genome annotations are available to download below.  

Phytolacca americana genome annotations gff3 file